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Certification of Italian web pages with legal value

Give legal value to the content of an Italian Web Page

Italian Web page certification service or certified copy of internet content with legal value, for individuals and companies, with accompanying forensic report in english. While web pages are becoming an increasingly important piece of evidence in legal litigation, so are the standards for capturing and retaining such evidence. Lawyers who want to make use of web pages or electronic evidence are aware that by printing that incriminating web pagese, Facebook or Instagram post, that defamatory tweet or that email, the legal requirements for the presentation of a legal proof would not be met as it is not possible to guarantee the origin of the document and the counterparty can deny its validity on the basis of the principle referred to italian art. 2712 cod. civ. Rely on our  fast certification service, dedicated to individuals and companies , with legal value all over the world,  to authenticate any content on the internet or on social networks such as facebook, instagram, whatsapp even remotely.

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International certification service : certify web content

Visit International certification service : certify web content

certificazione di pagine web italiane
certificazione di pagine web italiane


The authentication or certified copy of Web Pages is a service for individuals and companies offered by Informatica in Azienda directed by Dr. Emanuel Celano and the certifiable contents are many:

  • certified copy of the web page
  • authentic copy of posts and comments on social networks
  • authentic copy of email messages online
  • authentic copy reviews online
  • authentic copy of unauthorized access to social and email accounts
  • authentic copy of google location history
  • authentic copy of whatsapp chat and telegram even remotely
  • certified copy of the accounting records

Specifically used for:

  • certify the contents of legal documents online
  • defamation, slander, stalking and threats on the internet as a document for the crystallization of the evidence to be presented in the complaint
  • complaint for misappropriation of images
  • collection of information on web pages and social networks
  • documenting acts of intimidation, stalking, threats or bullying on the part of a profile or account with legal value
  • confer legal value on defamations received in reviews
  • illegal use of trademarks and unfair competition
  • libel and violations on Facebook
  • Authentic copy of Instagram and Messenger (Facebook) Private Messages with legal value
  • certification of unauthorized access to google, facebook, instagram, tim, hotmail, linkedin, microsoft, yahoo, virgilio accounts …
  • identity theft (Authentic copy service of a social profile or account)
  • attest to the violations of an email account
  • copyright infringement
  • prove the content of an online email with legal value
  • contents of a Whatsapp Chat or Chat Messenger
  • Google Location History Data extraction
  • certification of the online permanence of a web content or legal document. If you need to prove that a web page or website or a single document in any format is legally online, our service is what you need. We can provide you with legal proof to be presented in any Italian or foreign court that proves the presence of any electronic document published online within a set range of days.
  • certify the violation of copyright and copyright or the online publication of content, projects and innovative ideas with a certain date and legal value
  • certified copy of the accounting records for injunctive decrees
  • and many other situations in which it is necessary to prove with legal force that a content has been published with a certain date, even for prolonged periods of time


Our computer forensic office was the first in Italy to offer this service. The certified copy is done through a forensic acquisition program recognized in all courts of the world! Furthermore, our acquisitions are also deposited on a dedicated and secure server to allow a verification of the integrity of the data also by the police or the courts! Few provide you with such a qualified service!

Our web page certification, in order to meet the authentication requirements for capturing, storing and presenting evidence, will have the probative effect referred to the Article 2712 of the Italian Civil Code, since there are:

  1. internet address of the acquired page
  2. type of browser used for the acquisition
  3. IP address that provided the client with the same page, time, program used for copying and related data
  4. the source code of the page
  5. reports with digital signatures and security certificates from our forensic office
  6. the time stamp on each digitally signed file to assign a certain proof of the date of acquisition
  7. the network packets of the entire navigation that are recorded to demonstrate the genuineness of the evidence collected and compliance with the original
  8. the forensically sound video of the entire acquisition



You can deliver the authentic copies that we will provide directly to the postal police or your lawyer (or use ours if necessary) and these will have legal value in any court where you present them, to “crystallize” the situation and be able to prove the existence of the elements of interest, even if the originals are later deleted.

Contents of the certification:

  • A .zip file containing digitally signed forensic acquisitions with time stamp, file to download and ready to be inserted into a USB stick or burned to a disc to be attached as evidence for a complaint
  • Our full report in PDF also in english if requested which illustrates all the authenticated content with images and provides all the technical information that your lawyer can quote directly without wasting time


On the web, there are many other ways in which we refer to a certification of a web page:

  • certified copy
  • authentic copy page
  • certified copy of the web page
  • confer legal value chat
  • authentic chat copy
  • authentic copy whatsapp
  • provide proof of an internet page
  • provide proof of a web page
  • save a certified copy of a page
  • forensic acquisition of internet pages
  • proof of an internet page
  • proof of a web page
  • save a certified copy
  • legal value web page
  • certified copy of a web page

The authentic copy of a web page or the authentic copy of a post feacebook, or the authentic copy of a youtube video, or the authentic copy of a review or the authentic copy of a whatsapp chat … is a certified copy of the original such the authentication requirements must be met to capture, store and present evidence, according to the probative effectiveness referred to in Article 2712 of the Italian Civil Code as we have already reported at the beginning of this page. The authentic copy of a web page, also called a certified copy of a web page, can be validly produced in place of the original of the deed or document and certifies its existence even if the original has been deleted or modified. Copies of authentic copies cannot be authenticated, in consideration of the fact that authentication consists in certifying the conformity of the copy with respect to the original. Pursuant to italian art. 20, paragraph 2, of Presidential Decree 445/2000, computer copies of electronic or analogue documents have full effect pursuant to art. 2714 and 2715 of the Italian Civil Code only if the qualified electronic signature of the person issuing a copy is affixed or associated with them, as for Informatica in Company. This digital signature has the function of certifying that the electronic document on which it is affixed faithfully reproduces the content of the document from which it is extracted. only if the qualified electronic signature of the person issuing a copy is affixed or associated with them, as for Informatica in Azienda. This digital signature has the function of certifying that the electronic document on which it is affixed faithfully reproduces the content of the document from which it is extracted. only if the qualified electronic signature of the person issuing a copy is affixed or associated with them, as for Informatica in Azienda. This digital signature has the function of certifying that the electronic document on which it is affixed faithfully reproduces the content of the document from which it is extracted.

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