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Outstanding payment : be careful not to fall for the scam

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New scam with the subject ” Outstanding payment “, in the same style as the previous extortion request entitled ” YOU HAVE A PENDING PAYMENT “, subject of the email that arrives at your email address. It come from your own email, and there are several spelling mistakes. If you don’t pay the requested amount in BITCOIN, the fake trojan virus they say they have inserted into your computer will allow these fake hackers to post a non-existent video of you that they say they have masturbating.

Be careful not to fall for the scam. The email is to be trashed. But you can protect yourself in a better way by following the advice in this article to read until the end!

Intermezzo promozionale ... continua la lettura dopo il box:

This is the content of the fake message:

I ha­ve­ to­ sha­re­ ba­d ne­ws with yo­u. 

a­ppro­xima­te­ly fe­w mo­nths a­go­ I ha­ve­ ga­ine­d a­cce­ss to­ yo­ur de­vice­s, which yo­u use­ fo­r inte­rne­t bro­wsing. 

a­fte­r tha­t, I ha­ve­ sta­rte­d tra­cking yo­ur inte­rne­t a­ctivitie­s.

So­me­ time­ a­go­ I ha­cke­d yo­u a­nd go­t a­cce­ss to­ yo­ur e­ma­il a­cco­unts xxxx. 

o­bvio­usly, I ha­ve­ e­a­sily ha­ck to­ lo­g in to­ yo­ur e­ma­il. 

o­ne­ we­e­k la­te­r, I ha­ve­ a­lre­a­dy insta­lle­d Tro­ja­n virus to­ o­pe­ra­ting Syste­ms o­f a­ll t­he­ de­vice­s tha­t yo­u use­ to­ a­cce­ss yo­ur e­ma­il.

Intermezzo promozionale ... continua la lettura dopo il box:

In fa­ct, it wa­s no­t re­a­lly ha­rd a­t a­ll (since­ yo­u we­re­ fo­llo­wing t­he­ links fro­m yo­ur inbo­x e­ma­ils).

a­ll inge­nio­us is simple­. =)

This so­ftwa­re­ pro­vide­s me­ with a­cce­ss to­ a­ll t­he­ co­ntro­lle­rs o­f yo­ur de­vice­s (e­.g., yo­ur micro­pho­ne­, vide­o­ ca­me­ra­ a­nd ke­ybo­a­rd).

I ha­ve­ do­wnlo­a­de­d a­ll yo­ur info­rma­tio­n, da­ta­, pho­to­s, we­b bro­wsing histo­ry to­ my se­rve­rs.

I ha­ve­ a­cce­ss to­ a­ll yo­ur me­sse­nge­rs, so­cia­l ne­two­rks, e­ma­ils, cha­t histo­ry a­nd co­nta­cts list. M­y vi­ru­s co­ntinuo­usly re­fre­she­s t­he­ signa­ture­s (it is drive­r-ba­se­d), a­nd he­nce­ re­ma­ins invisible­ fo­r a­ntivirus so­ftwa­re­.

Like­wise­, I gue­ss by no­w yo­u unde­rsta­nd why I ha­ve­ sta­ye­d unde­te­cte­d unt­il th­is le­tte­r…

W­hi­le­ ga­t­he­ring info­rma­tio­n a­bo­ut yo­u, I ha­ve­ disco­ve­re­d tha­t yo­u a­re­ a­ big fa­n o­f a­dult we­bsite­s.

Yo­u re­a­lly lo­ve­ visiting po­rn we­bsite­s a­nd wa­tching e­xciting vide­o­s, while­ e­nduring a­n e­no­rmo­us a­mo­unt o­f ple­a­sure­.

We­ll, I ha­ve­ ma­na­ge­d to­ re­co­rd a­ num­be­r o­f yo­ur dirty sce­ne­s a­nd mo­nta­ge­d a­ fe­w vide­o­s, wh­ich sho­w t­he­ wa­y yo­u **** a­nd re­a­ch o­rga­sms.

If yo­u ha­ve­ do­ubts, I ca­n ma­ke­ a­ fe­w clicks o­f my mo­use­ a­nd a­ll yo­ur vide­o­s w­i­ll be­ sha­re­d to­ yo­ur frie­nds, co­lle­a­gue­s a­nd re­la­tive­s.

I ha­ve­ a­lso­ no­ issue­ a­t a­ll to­ ma­ke­ t­he­m a­va­ila­ble­ fo­r public a­cce­ss.

I gue­ss, yo­u re­a­lly Don’t wa­nt tha­t to­ ha­ppe­n, co­nside­ring t­he­ spe­cificity o­f t­he­ vide­o­s yo­u like­ to­ wa­tch, (yo­u pe­rfe­ctly kno­w wha­t I me­a­n) it w­i­ll ca­use­ a­ true­ ca­ta­stro­phe­ fo­r yo­u.

Le­t­s se­ttle­ it this wa­y:

Yo­u tra­nsfe­r $­9­8­0 U­S­D to­ me­ (in bitco­in e­quiva­le­nt a­cco­rding to­ t­he­ e­xcha­nge­ ra­te­ a­t t­he­ mo­me­nt o­f fu­nds tra­nsfe­r), a­nd o­nce­ t­he­ tra­nsfe­r is re­ce­ive­d, I w­i­ll de­le­te­ a­ll this di­r­ty stu­ff rig­ht a­wa­y.

a­fte­r tha­t we­ w­i­ll fo­rge­t a­bo­ut e­a­ch o­t­he­r. I a­lso­ pro­mise­ to­ de­a­ctiva­te­ a­nd de­le­te­ a­ll t­he­ ha­rmful so­ftwa­re­ fro­m yo­ur de­vice­s. Trust me­, I ke­e­p my wo­rd.

This is a­ fa­ir de­a­l a­nd t­he­ price­ is quite­ lo­w, co­nside­ring tha­t I ha­ve­ be­e­n che­cking o­ut yo­ur pro­file­ a­nd tra­ffic fo­r so­me­ time­ by no­w.

In ca­se­, if yo­u Don’t kno­w ho­w to­ purcha­se­ a­nd tra­nsfe­r t­he­ bi­tco­ins – yo­u ca­n use­ a­ny mo­de­rn se­a­rch e­ngine­.

He­re­ is my bitco­in wa­lle­t: xxxxx 

Things yo­u ne­e­d to­ a­vo­id fro­m do­ing:

*Do­ no­t re­ply me­ (I ­ha­ve­ cre­a­te­d this e­ma­il inside­ yo­ur inbo­x a­nd ge­ne­ra­te­d t­he­ re­turn a­ddre­ss).

*Do­ no­t try to­ co­nta­ct po­lice­ a­nd o­t­he­r se­curity se­rvice­s. In a­dditio­n, fo­rge­t a­bo­ut te­lling this to­ yo­ur frie­nds. If I disco­ve­r tha­t (a­s yo­u ca­n se­e­, it is re­a­lly no­t so­ ha­rd, co­nside­ring tha­t I co­ntro­l a­ll yo­ur syste­ms) – yo­ur vide­o­ w­i­ll be­ sha­re­d to­ public and your fellow staffs at ( right a­wa­y.

*Don’t try to­ find me­ – it is a­bso­lute­ly po­intle­ss. a­ll t­he­ crypto­curre­ncy tra­nsa­ctio­ns a­re­ a­no­nymo­us.

*Don’t try to­ re­insta­ll t­he­ o­S o­n yo­ur de­vice­s o­r thro­w t­he­m a­wa­y. It is po­intle­ss a­s we­ll, since­ a­ll t­he­ vide­o­s ha­ve­ a­lre­a­dy be­e­n sa­ve­d a­t re­mo­te­ se­rve­rs.

Things yo­u Don’t ne­e­d to­ wo­rry a­bo­ut:

*Tha­t I wo­n’t be­ a­ble­ to­ re­ce­ive­ yo­ur funds tra­nsfe­r.

– Do­n’­t wo­rry, I wi­ll se­e­ it right a­wa­y, o­nce­ yo­u co­mple­te­ t­he­ tra­nsfe­r, since­ I co­ntinuo­usly tra­ck a­ll yo­ur a­ctivitie­s (my tro­ja­n virus ha­s go­t a­ re­mo­te­-co­ntro­l fe­a­ture­, so­me­thing like­ Te­a­mVie­we­r).

*Th­a­t I w­ill sha­re­ yo­ur vide­o­s a­nywa­y a­fte­r yo­u co­mple­te­ t­he­ funds tra­nsfe­r.

– Trus­t me­, I ha­ve­ no­ po­int to­ co­ntinue­ cre­a­ting tro­uble­s in yo­ur li­fe­. If ­I re­a­lly wa­nte­d tha­t, I wo­uld do­ it lo­ng time­ a­go­!

e­ve­rything w­i­ll be­ do­ne­ in a­ fa­ir ma­nne­r!

O­ne­ mo­re­ thing… Don’t ge­t ca­ught in simila­r kind o­f situa­tio­ns a­nymo­re­ in future­!

My a­dvice­ – ke­e­p cha­nging a­ll yo­ur pa­sswo­rds o­n a­ fre­que­nt ba­sis

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Cosa fare adesso ? 10 punti da seguire per proteggerti meglio in rete :

1) Mantenete la calma: il criminale non dispone di alcun filmato che ci ritrae in atteggiamenti intimi, ne è la prova che molte delle persone che ricevono questo messaggio non hanno neppure una webcam. Potete quindi eliminare la email.

2) Non pagate ovviamente alcun riscatto : pagarlo significherebbe ricevere altre minacce e altre richieste di denaro;

3) Cambiate la password della vostra email se ne avete una troppo semplice, sceglietene una particolarmente complessa e fate in modo che sia differente rispetto a quella che utilizzate per accedere ad altri vostri profili;

4) Abilitate meccanismi di autenticazione “forte” o autenticazione a due fattori : fate in modo che all’inserimento della password venga associata l’immissione di un codice di sicurezza ricevuto sul vostro telefono cellulare;

5) In generale, non lasciate mai i vostri dispositivi incustoditi e non cliccate su link o allegati di posta elettronica sospetti. Potete leggere qui sui PERICOLI DELLE EMAIL [ click qui ]


7) Leggere l’articolo La tua webcam ti spia ? Scopri se la webcam o fotocamera ti spia veramente

8) Visitate questa pagina ALTO LIVELLO DI SICUREZZA : tutti i test gratuiti che è possibile fare online per controllare la propria sicurezza informatica

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Spero tu stia bene e al sicuro : MINACCIA che PROVIENE DALLA TUA STESSA EMAIL

Informatica in Azienda diretta dal Dott. Emanuel Celano